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The sweetness of chocolate, with each bite you take, it starts to pall your appetite until you are satiated. Your love is not that way. Your love is sweet, it has a healthy sweetness that never becomes dull, and it does not make you sick, or take the desire of eating more.

Your love quench my thirst, it is better than any water found in a desert. It has the perfect temperature for a thirsty soul.

Your love is eternal and everlasting. It does not have an expiration date, it does not mold or rots like edible things.

The radiance of your light is brighter than the sun. There is no one who can hide your light; there is no moon or stars that can replace it.  Not even darkness can cover it, it is not like a candle that can be turned off and it is not like a light that works with electricity that you got to be billed for.
Your peace is found when we place our trust in you.  When we place our sight on the higher things-You.   When we believe that you have already won the battle, even when we are in a war that is trying to tumble us down.  Your peace is found when we call upon your name, and we place our load of worries and obstacles in your hands; that you will do your will. But we need to rely on you completely with no doubt.
5/6/13 --Translation to "Tu"  from 5/5/13


  1. I can relate to this! God is better than chocolate. Oh so sweet!


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