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Showing posts from 2012

Night Spell

A noche, mientras caminaba por el vecindario Todo se paro; La lluvia y el frio. Tenia a mi amiga de cuatro patas a la par La quien me miraba para confirmar si caminariamos mas. For a moment I forgot what I was doing, I just moved one foot in front of the other I did not even realize that it was raining Or that the stars were not shining that night I was just lost in thoughts . . . There was a silence. There was a peace. And I only tried to keep my walking pace With my four legs friend. Now I remember, Me puse a hablar contigo, A contarte como me sentia en ese momento Cuando un nudo de nervios desaparecio Cuando podia respirar mejor Cuando te agradecia por Tu amor. Then I woke up from the spell, And looked up at the sky, It was foggy, It was dark, And then I felt it, The water drops, And then I went to a moment in the past, And I just wanted to dance, Of happiness, Of joy, Of knowing, That I have you en mi corazon....

Todo es posible en Cristo

La vida esta llena de retos, De carreras que correr, De problemas que enfrentar. Presentaciones en la escuela Exámenes finales Persuasión a los padres para poder salir el fin de semana Dirección de coros en la reunión Escalar montañas. Estos retos muchas veces son muy difícil de enfrentar Le dan ganas de no intentar, Ni tratar. Nos ganan los nervios, Nos sentimos sin respaldo. Pero se nos olvida que la fuerza nos la da Dios Que El nos respalda en toda circunstancia, Sin importar que tan grande o pequeña sea el reto. El esta allí supliéndonos para poder enfrentar lo que venga en el camino. El nos da la fuerza física y espiritual que necesitamos. El siempre esta con nosotros. Solo tenemos que creerlo y recordarlo siempre. Y cuando enfrentemos los retos que la vida traiga, Podamos decir todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece (Filipenses 4.13). Pic:  todo+lo+puedo+en+cristo+que+me+fortalece+filipenses+4+13.jpg

They Kicked Me Out!

Based of John 9 and the story of the blind who now can see: They kicked me out! Simply because I believe in Christ Because I said that He is the son of God. They kicked me out! Simply because I am not blind any more I can see! For the first time I can see! I couldn’t see since I was born He anointed my eyes with clay and asked me to wash my eyes at the pool of Siloam, So I did as He asked and now I can see the light But by the time this miracle occurred, He was not around All I could do was testify People questioned who I was, they could not even recognize me any more They questioned if I ever had been blind They even asked my parents about the truth They wanted to know how I was able to see I could not lie, I could not deny on what I believe now That Jesus is who has made this change And I believe that He is a prophet of God Higher than Moses, higher than David So at the end I was kicked out! But Jesus came to me again, ...

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ You have come to give us light You have come to overcome Sin, darkness, and all that is vile Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ Thanks to you I am not blind And I can walk in the light I can hear you and sing your praise I can be a new being again Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ You are our savior now Dying on the cross for all my sins For things that only brought shame to you But now I can be one with you Since I’ve been washed with your blood Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ Now I can see you shine I can call on your name I can speak to the father too Nothing will rip us apart Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord In you I have found salvation. Pic by: Ivi 10/14/2012

El Amar

El amar a alguien no significa que será correspondido. No quiere decir que todas esas lindas emociones que tu sientes por esa persona van a ser devueltas hacia ti. Pueda ser que tu serás el único afectado en el amor; La otra persona ni se da cuenta de que tu corazón palpita por ello. Tal vez ni sepan que existes. Eso de amar en secreto, se puede llamar toda una virtud. Imagínate, aguantar todos esos sentimientos, esconderlos, mantenerlos en secreto, y seguir adelante con tu vida sin sufrir mal de amores.  El poder amar a esa persona y seguir como si nada, el actuar como simples amigos sin tratar de lloverle con tus sentimientos. O que de cuando no se conocen lo suficiente y ni si quiera hay un hola, solo se sigue con la mirada. No es nada fácil, ¿verdad? ¿Cuanto durara ese amor? Muchos siempre dicen que hasta que te vuelvas a enamorar pero hay veces que el amor así como se viene se va.  Hay veces que ese sentimiento que uno cree que tiene s...
Have you ever cried your eyes out? Cried, cried, and cried and you are not even sure why you are creating a flood. You just can’t stop from letting those tears from falling. It is so catastrophic! Especially when there is an electrical thunder that plays the different parts of your life When you faced the most pain, or when you made your worst mistakes. It starts pouring! Tear after tear fall from your eyes, It makes you feel as you are braking apart. It is a torture! And even when you want to get to the end of the storm, there is no stop, No promise of a rainbow . . . would it come? Will you be able to survive? You feel beaten inside out, Drained, and in pain. Like a lost whimpering dog. You wonder if those around you hear your cry. Will they come to hang you an umbrella and stay with you until the storm passes? But then some of the worst storms come at night, When everyone is sleeping, when no one notices or sees the storm that you are facin...