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Showing posts from June, 2010

Nueva Inspiracion

Me dijeron que buscara a la luna para una nueva inspiración, Pero la condenada se me escondió. Estoy entre cuatro paredes y sin una puerta, solo una ventana que es muy pequeña. Todo está oscuro a mi alrededor, solo una candela que mañana tendrá su final y solo su espelma quedara. Hoy a quien le pido inspiración? Si la luna a mí se me escondió. Aunque solo tengo una hoja de papel la cual tengo que cuidar como algo delicado, como una pieza de valor, pues solo ella es mi salvación. Tengo un lapicero azul el cual su tinta se termina, y necesito una inspiración antes que se acabe todo lo bueno que tengo yo. Pensamientos, dulces, tristes o amargos, entren a mí para yo poder salir de estas cuatro paredes que me mantienen prisionera. Solo un poema, una nueva inspiración,  me podrá sacar de la soledad negra a que esconde a este corazón,   pues sin una inspiración, todo morirá sin ninguna explicación. PIc:


Why when giving something special to a special one is really hard to ask for it back? Or when saying the truth without taking the time to breath enough because you are afraid of the response that will pop out.  Or telling your enemy the most hurting words that slowly break a human’s pride making you feel satisfied. Or by making a child cry by taking his favorite toy from him-just to annoy those around. Now you say “life is not fair” in so many ways its not suppose to be. Every day is a struggle, in every step you’ll take to climb the mountain, there will be a fight. In every sweet word you say, there might be two sour ones that will bring you down.  In every change you make to your life, there will be scars and marks that will make you believe that you are the same. The people who have lived enough with a history full of turbulence, appreciates what they got now, their job, the small house, and their food on the table.  They love the smallest things…such as watching the b...

Missing You Badly

I am missing you badly, But I will not over react, if you don’t call me no more. Maybe you have found someone close to your home, Who can comfort you when you want to be loved. I am missing you badly, I’m wondering what I did wrong, Questioning if it was all my fault, Or if you just don’t love me anymore. I am missing you badly, But all this should stop, My heart should grow up And understand that I have lost you for now. I am missing you badly, And this misunderstanding is not just my fault. Is our fault! It seems that we need some time off. IMA (Written in Feb. 2008) Pic:  

A Sad Story

The tears are falling from your eyes, just like that September 10th when your beloved died in that accident. That accident caused by a psycho who was drunk and ran away without helping him out. The innocent man lost control of his car and hit an electric pole that made his air bag explode and left him unconscious. The windows were broken and cut his untainted skin that was the fire that made you burn with passion; his touch was magical, that made you reach the stars. It was midnight and nobody found out that a man was dying and his time was running out. In the other hand, you were at home, counting the minutes, hours, and seconds as you waited for him. With anticipation you were waiting to out on the promised date. His knock never came, his voice you didn’t hear again, his touch you would never feel again, because he died that night. It occurred on a night when the rain poured and thunder showed the madness of an unfulfilled soul. The news ca...

I Saw Them Kissing

I saw them kissing today. They were in the middle of nowhere, They were hugging each other so tightly that I thought one of them was going to break. That kiss was so long that I started to count..1…2…3…4…5…6…7……. After the kiss they looked at each other eyes that twinkled with all the sunlight….love and passion I would say. They smiled and smiled and they just couldn’t stop. He couldn’t let her go to class. He wanted her right there at his side-nothing more, nothing less. He took her hand so tightly that she got mad and told him to let go with an attitude, He kissed her and said “I love you too much so an hour waiting would be like hell”, she smiled at him with understanding and said “I understand babes” so they hugged once again for a minute or two, Then as the perfect boyfriend, he took her to class and when he was out, he looked kind of sad. He looked at his watch then at the sky and then walked wherever he promised to meet her. Now you ask me why I wrote about it, I would say becau...


Eres hermoso Eres bello Eres todo lo que quiero. Eres mi luna Eres mi sol Eres el dueño de mi corazón. Eres mi principio Eres mi final Eres con quien yo quiero estar. Eres mi camino Eres mi andar, Eres con quien voy a volar. Eres mi Dios Eres mi Señor Eres en quien confió yo.  Pic:


Sonríe porque estás vivo, Ya que aun respiras. Sonríe porque eres querido, Por tus amigos y familia. Sonríe porque el sol salió, Ninguna nube lo tapo. Sonríe aunque tu día va mal, Tal vez encuentres a quien te amara. Sonríe cuando caes, Aunque tengas que llorar primero. Sonríe cuando nadie te ve, Porque así mas bello te vez. Sonríe hoy que puedes. Sonríe hoy que estoy aquí. Sonreíste ayer? Talvez no, pues eso ya no puede volver. Sonrie hoy, Pela los dientes, Ya que mañana no sabemos si tendremos la oportunidad de hacerlo.   Pic:


Quiero olvidarte, De me mente sacarte De tu nombre olvidarme. Quiero que tu mirada se pierda entre la gente para no buscarla más, Quiero que tu sonrisa se la lleve el viento para no mirarla más, Quiero que la gente se olvide que te quise,           Que mis amigas olviden que te ame,           Que mi corazón pueda decir que te olvide. Aléjate, que no me amas, No te digo que  no me busques, ya que nunca lo hiciste. Adiós amor, Adiós amigo, Adiós cariño, Ahora me he propuesto irme, Alejarme de ti, Para por fin sacarte de mí. Pic:

Una Llamada Muy Importante

Hare una llamada muy importante Silenció por favor! Necesito concentrarme, Y pensar lo que voy a decir. Hare una llamada muy importante No sé como toda la verdad saldrá Pero se tendrá que dar. Aquí voy, Me arrodillare, Mis ojos cerrare, Y con el Señor hablare. Le diré mis pensamientos, Y los secretos de mi corazón Sí, yo se que él lo sabe todo, Pero, a él le gusta que le platiquemos. Hay mucho que decirle, No sé cuánto tiempo tardare Por favor no me esperen, O si quieren platiquen con él también. Y si me miran llorar, No se vallan a alarmar. Solo lloro de gozo Porque estoy platicando Con mi Padre Celestial.

Will You?

Why don’t we travel the world together? It would be you and me, Me and you. Yeah I know the economy is bad, The fare to expensive, but I didn’t ask for all that. I just said why not travel the world together, In a blink of an eye Lets just say that we would travel there without spending, It would be a roundtrip. Where should we go to first? Japan, España, England, or maybe China, Brazil,  Goodness there’s so many places to go  So choose. First close your eyes and imagine that you are here with me, Then hold my hand and imagine that we are traveling the world, That we didn’t use a plane but that we could fly there, That we could see those beautiful landscapes, that we could eat good food without spending a cent.  So will you travel the world with me today-right now?

True Love

true love! what in the world is that? where can I go to find its meaning? when will I get an answer of that? true love!  the one that never fades away. the one that you dont find as easy as you believe. the one that understands it all. the one that forgives it all. the one that desires to give you the whole world. the one that with a kiss and a smile and a hug wants to say it all. the one that makes you feel butterflies in your stomach. the one that makes your heart beat so fast. the one that hear you out. the one that ends with a kiss after a fight. Is it the one that never asks permission when entering in your heart. Is it the one that makes you restless. Have you been lovesick? Do you know what im talking about because it seems that I just lost my mind.

To: You, From: Me

If a hug can make you feel better, I will cross the sea to give you one. If  you are sad, I will crack some jokes just to make you smile, Even if I end up looking like a clown. If you only want to cry to clear your system out, Here is my shoulder for you to hold on. If all you want is someone to hear what you feel, You know where to call, who to look for, Hey! I am here for you. I am, and will always be your friend, You can count on me. Love always,  Ivi.


Para que pretender? El color negro nunca dice que es gris, Entonces porque tu dices lo que no es? Una rosa roja nunca dice ser un clavel, Porque le mientes a tu propio ser? El dia nunca dice ser noche, Porque te escondes en lo que no es real? Me mientes a mi, le mientes a los demas, Pero lo peor es que te mientes a ti mismo. Te miras en el espejo, y a quien ves? A tu reflejo? o el reflejo de alguien mas? Cuando hablas, como hablas? Con tu vocabulario? O el vocabulario de tus amigos? Cuando caminas, como caminas? Con el camino que te enseñaron? O el camino callejero? Ya no sabes quien eres tu, Has pretendido mucho tiempo en ser alguien mas, Que se te olvido quien eres en verdad! Y saber si al final podras ser alguien por ti mismo, Solo deja de pretender!!!