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Un Nuevo Bebe

Un bebe nacera! les pregunto cuando? me dijeron que entre un mes. Yo me quedo facinada porque hoy fue el baby shower y ni siquiera sabia que estaba enbarazada la hermana de la iglesia. I find it interesting how women can hide the first half of their pregnancy without people noticing that the belly is growing little by little. But then when it hits 5 to 6 months...I would say, its a different story. Their belly grows so fast and it becomes redondo, redondo como una pelota solo que con una proporcion mas grande that there is no way to hide it. 

Babies are amazing! They are a blessing. God's Gift! It brings joy to a mother and lets not forget the father, it brings excitement to the relatives. They will have a baby to carry around, someone to cuddle, y alguien a quien comerce a besos. The part that the new parents might not like is the restless nights, the crying, the smelly change of diapers or maybe not, they might see it as the only way that they know the baby is alright. 
I love carrying babies, I love watching them sleep, I love making them smile, y cuando empienzan a carcajiarse it almost makes my heart stop. I love it how babies can look at you with their eyes  wide open me imagino que han de decir 'quien es esta loca que me esta viendo?' I love hugging them and giving them un besito en la frente, and la punta de la nariz y los bellos cachetes. I love singing them cantos de cuna...

dormite mi nino, que tengo que hacer, lavar tus mantillas y sentarme a coser. Senora Santana porque llora el nino, porque llora el nino, por una manzana que se le a caido debajo de la cama. No llores mas, porque aqui tengo dos, una para ti, y otra para el nino Dios.

Have you noticed that babies are so innocent and trusting? They just don't know or understand their surroundings, they don't understand the circumstances they are born in-if there's any. They would fall sleep in any pair of cozy arms, but this doesn't mean that they don't recognize their mom; those are the arms that they love the most.

 A baby can just help you see the world in a different way. It allows you to see your life in another perspective. It makes the parents change from an "all about me" mindset  to "what is best for our baby."

Babies are amazing, you see them and makes it you sigh, it just puts a smile on me whenever I see babies my mind asks the question-puedo chinearlo? but I just don't blur it out...imagine the mom would go wild. Well it seems that in a month I will be carrying a baby again. So exciting! I feel like if I am going to be a tia again. 


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