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To Love

To love somebody does not mean that it will be requited,
It does not mean that all those emotions that you feel would be reciprocated.
Probably, you will be the only one affected by this love.
The other person might not even notice that your heart is beating for them.
Maybe they are not even aware that you exist.

That action, of loving in secret, you could call it a virtue.
Imagine yourself enduring all those feelings, hiding them, keeping them in secret, and keep moving forward without getting lovesick.
To be able to love that person and keep going as if nothing is happening, to act as simple friends without trying to pour all your feelings toward them.
Or when you do not really know that other person that you cannot even say hi to them, and the only thing you can do is follow them with your eyes.
It is not simple, is it?

How long would this love last?  Many people say that it will last until you fall in love once again. But there are times that love as it comes it goes. There are times that the feelings that you think you have become really ambiguous, that you have to stop and ask yourself, am I in love or am I not in love? Is it love or was it not love?  Was I in love or was I not in love?

Oh well, but that’s how mysterious love is,
It only endures when you find that person that reciprocates your feelings.
They love you, they appreciate you, they respect you, they accept you for who you are, everything is mutual, no one gives more, and no one gives less.
That does not mean that everything will be perfect, you would face problems and conflicts, which would make your love toward each other stronger.
By this time, you would have forgotten about that secret, unrequited, unreciprocated love since you have found true love that is permitted and blessed by God.

3/6/13 Translation to “El Amar”


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