There’s a smile in my face, and people asks me ‘why are you smiling?’
The truth is that I do not have a clue!
I believe that God allows me to smile even if all I would like to do is cry.
But God has given me life; there is a reason to be happy.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! This doesn’t mean that everything is going to be colorful.
There is somebody, someone who would like to see you at your worst.
You know who I am talking about, right?
That dude that is always laughing when you cry and does a party when you do wrong.
Well, but, we have the most powerful, supernatural one in our lives that has an everlasting love toward us.
He always gives us a hand,
Gives us strength,
And allows us to see things positively.
If you ask me why I smile so much, I will say. . .
Because God has added flavor to my life,
He has given me a reason to live,
(and because I have you as a friend! ^_^).
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